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Headteacher's weekly Update

We are nearing the end of a busy half term and students in every year group have excelled themselves in their start to this academic year. Year 7 students have made a wonderful start to high school, well supported by their tutor team. Year 8s have stepped up into leadership roles confidently  and Years 9 and 10 have not only made a brilliant start to new courses but also signed up for the Duke of Edinburgh award and have made positive volunteering choices. Year 11 have begun this important year really positively and many are already attending revision classes afterschool.

We focus on “being the best we can be” at Claydon High School and I am very proud of the way in which all of our students have embraced this message and worked together to support one another in working together to benefit the wider school community. Year 7 students have told our many visitors at Open Mornings how much they appreciated the older students supporting their induction at the high school and the visitors have been impressed by the focused learning and welcoming environment they have observed.

Many of these positive aspects combined together in this final week as the school enjoyed our annual WOW week, the Week of Work for Year 11 who visited the Suffolk Skills Show and various local sixthforms and colleges. Years 8-10 have competed for the Challenge Cup in our Week of Wonder with 30 teams pitching to a panel of judges to secure funding for their Social Action Project. The teams demonstrated creative and compassionate thinking as they considered how local community groups could be helped by teenagers.  Look out for a summary of ideas in the newsletter.

Year 7s WOWed staff in the way they approached their residential camp, working in teams to overcome challenges of different kinds. They practised many skills which will help to form the foundations for their learning and personal development over the coming years.

We look forward to welcoming parents and carers of all year groups during the next half term to consultation evenings, parent forum and our concerts to celebrate Christmas.