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GCSE Results 2019

74% of the 123 students at Claydon High School achieved a grade 4 in both English and Maths. This impressive achievement from the class of 2019 equals last year’s excellent results. We are also proud of the number who achieved the EBacc qualification at the same pass rate. There are many students who have a set of GCSE results to be proud of and which will take them onto their choice of education or training in September.

Congratulations to all of our students upon their achievements; we ask each of them that they aim to achieve the best that they are capable of and they have certainly done this. We are especially impressed by students who overcame significant personal challenges during their GCSE studies. We will miss all of the students who contributed so much to the school community, including sporting talent, debating success and acting as role models in their student leadership roles.

There were successes in many areas across the school including pass rates in the following subjects: Spanish (85%), Biology (96%), Chemistry (98%), Physics (92%), Business Studies (85%), Drama (73%), PE (70%) and English Literature (75%). The Maths results were exceptional as they were last year, with 82% of students passing at a Grade 4 or above and lower down in the school Year 9 and Year 10 students also celebrated excellent results in Statistics and Further Maths; we look forward to those students developing their mathematical skills further as they study for their main GCSE.

The individual and group achievements reflect the combined efforts of students and their families, teachers and the wider school community, and my congratulations and thanks are extended to everyone who contributed.